Vonovia is one of Germany's leading real estate companies. The company owns and manages 396,000 apartments nationwide and is thus responsible for around one million people who live with Vonovia. With good and affordable living space and a customer-oriented service, Vonovia creates the conditions for sustainably successful corporate development. Vonovia has been listed on the stock exchange since 2013 and has been one of the DAX 30 companies since September 2015. This makes it the first housing company to be included in the index. Vonovia employs around 10,000 people at its headquarters in Bochum and at locations throughout Germany.


These days the interoperability of diverse networks offers opportunities for customer experience as well as landlord maintenance. Developing suitable business models depends on technical and regulatory resilience. In terms of economic and regulatory aspects — to avoid redundancy and for security reasons — a holistic communication concept over the whole technolgy stack seems to deliver a promising approach. E.g. Smart-Metering (BSI TR-03109), Ambient Assisted Living, Door Coomunication (CCD, voice), Smart Home, Predictive Maintenance (Elevator & Heating), Smart City Applications.


Holistic and Secure Communication Interface for Buildings

Develop a holistic and secure communication interface for technologies in buildings – based on what is currently used in vonovia buildings as well as emerging technologies that could be used in the future. In this context, technical and functional requirements as well as legal regulations should also be considered in order to develop a catalogue of requirements that will serve as a basis for prospective business opportunities. The security by design principle may be a fruitful approach for solving this problem.


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