The University Hospital Essen is pace setter for first-rate medical services in the Ruhr metropolitan area. Scientific research is tightly interwoven with medical practice, directly benefitting patients. As a pioneer in Germany, the Essen University Medicine, to which the University Hospital Essen belongs, follows the main idea of a Smart Hospital. This term means the complete transformation of a traditional Top-Notch hospital into a fully digitalized, patient and employees focused organization.
The University Medicine Essen is currently implementing a campus wide bluetooth low energy (BLE) infrastructure as a fourth network layer. Accompanying LAN, WLAN, 4G this grid offers additional possibilities to track assets, to navigate patients, and to empower modern medical devices, e.g. ECG-plaster. Literally thousands of so called BLE observers are pluged in general purpose sockets, collect incoming signals and transmit those signals via the wireless network to a cloud-based analytics platform.
The challenge comprises two different aspects. First, we want the students to “steal” one of those observes in order to analyze, to copy and/or to manipulate either the communication to the analytics platform or to infiltrate the local wireless network. The result of your analyses will directly influence further development of the observers and protocols. Second, develop a “showcase”: we want to encourage the students to conquer various public power sockets (within the sheltered area of the UME) and to occupy them with self-made Bluetooth observers. These observers could collect all kind of information from passing Bluetooth devices from employees, from patients, from devices. By the usage of open Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) communication with the internet is possible, and – albeit anonymized – lots of data might be aggregated.
In order to apply to the challenge, fill out this form: